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Hagedorn, Eric A.; Mark C. Schug; Mary Suiter / 2016. "A Collaborative Approach to Financial Literacy in the Chicago Public Schools." The Journal of Private Enterprise 31(1) Spring: 79-90.
Schoolland, Ken / 2016. "A Free Market Odyssey: Classroom Adventures with Jonathan Gullible." The Journal of Private Enterprise 31(1) Spring: 71-77.
McCutcheon, Robin S. / 2015. "A Fun Method of Engaging Students in the "Capitalism vs. Socialism" Discussion." The Journal of Private Enterprise 30(2) Summer: 117-120.
Millea, Meghan J. / 2003. "A Review Activity for Economics." The Journal of Private Enterprise 18(2) Spring: 84-88.
Niederjohn, M. Scott; Kim Holder / 2024. "An Educational Note Using Rules of the Game in the Built Environment: Teaching Institutions and Incentives with Economic Mysteries." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(1) Spring: 59-76.
Niederjohn, M. Scott; Robert Lawson / 2024. "Teaching Economic Freedom with the Mystery Nations Lesson." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(2) Summer: 71-79.
Cutsinger, Bryan P.; Alexander W. Salter / 2024. "The Need for a Price Theory Revival." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(1) Spring: 11-44.
Rousu, Matthew C. / 2018. "Using Show Tunes to Teach about Free (and Not-So-Free) Markets." The Journal of Private Enterprise 33(4) Winter: 111-128.