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Poole, William / 2017. "Hayek on The Road to Serfdom." The Journal of Private Enterprise 32(1) Spring: 11-28.
Thies, Clifford / 2017. "Not So Great Utopias." The Journal of Private Enterprise 32(1) Spring: 63-76.
Saravia, Antonio; Clara Mengolini; Robi Ragan / 2021. "Socialist Indoctrination in School Textbooks: The Case of “Colección Bicentenario” in Venezuela." The Journal of Private Enterprise 36(1) Spring: 79-104.
Boettke, Peter; Rosolino Candela / 2017. "The Intellectual Context of F. A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom." The Journal of Private Enterprise 32(1) Spring: 29-44.