Summer 2024

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Cochrane, John H. / 2024. "Incentive Economics." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(2) Summer: 1-8.
Miozzi, Vincent; Benjamin Powell / 2024. "The Evolution of US State Economic Freedom during the Pandemic’s Second Year." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(2) Summer : 9-29.
Strow, Brian K.; Claudia W. Strow / 2024. "Foreign-Born Residents and the Optimal Provision of Public Goods: An Application of Lindahl Pricing and Tiebout Sorting." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(2) Summer: 31-56.
Casasola, David; Andres Marroquin; Antonio Saravia; Monica de Zelaya / 2024. "College Education and Economic Beliefs in Guatemala." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(2) Summer: 57-70.
Niederjohn, M. Scott; Robert Lawson / 2024. "Teaching Economic Freedom with the Mystery Nations Lesson." The Journal of Private Enterprise 39(2) Summer: 71-79.